Exchange Traded Products (ETPs)
Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are a type of exchange-traded security that allows investors to invest and trade in instruments that track underlying commodities, currencies, cryptocurrencies, indices, reference rates, and more in an easily accessible way. ETPs on MERJ are fully collateralized debt instruments that provide direct exposure to the underlying instrument(s). ETPs may represent a single underlying asset or a basket of instruments. ETPs on MERJ trade on a quote-driven market (QDM) supported by liquidity provision ensuring consistent 2-way pricing throughout the trading day for each product.
ETPs on MERJ trade on a quote-driven market (QDM) supported by liquidity provision ensuring consistent 2-way pricing throughout the trading day for each product.
ETCs are open-ended securities traded on securities exchanges like MERJ that track the performance of underlying commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies (i.e. Exchange Traded Commodities, Exchange Traded Currencies, and Exchange Traded Cryptocurrencies) without requiring any exposure to futures or taking physical delivery (although conversion is optional on some products) of the underlying asset.
MERJ is soon rolling out a suite of 100% physically backed ETC products that offer the best of the exchange and spot markets along with key features unique to MERJ.
ETNs or Exchange Traded Notes are a category of ETP referencing ETPs those track underlying indices, reference rates, equities, and baskets similar to an ETF, but issued and redeemed continuously as a debt instrument. Banks and other financial institutions typically issue ETNs with large balance sheets that can be used as collateral.